Thursday, August 19, 2010

the size of a turnip

someone asked me how far along i was this morning....and i totally drew a blank. was i fifteen weeks? no, i just had a doctor appointment, sixteen then? nope, i am 17 weeks along. i blame it on crazy summer schedules. weeks melt into one another and all i really know is that my old clothes don't fit and my baby bump looks more like i hate too many tacos.

but according to babycenter (very cool online site that gives you updates week by week) our baby is the size of a turnip. other good to know advice from babycenter is that i am more likely to stumble or tumble because i am unsteady on my feet. what does this mean if you are already challenged by walking in a straight line without tripping, running in to the person next you, or bumping into an object? i should probably start using a cane.


  1. So excited to meet the little turnip! 17 weeks, wowza!

  2. I never really like turnips but now I think they are kind of pretty and I think I love them. I know I love the "turnip" carrier.
    xoxo Nana
