Thursday, June 3, 2010


i love brownies. their gooey goodness is comfort to my soul. warm, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate deliciousness. are you suddenly craving brownies? well, i found myself at t.j's tonight picking up some fixings for dinner and decided to venture out with one of their reduced fat brownie options. to  my surprise (and justin's as well) they were awesome. they were gooey, they were chocolate-y, they were everything a brownie should be. i did throw in some chocolate chips after i tasted the batter and was worried it wasn't going to be rich enough. final verdict: trader joe's reduced guilt brownies will be commonplace in the scott household!


  1. I want one right now! Yummy! Saw you are reading The Omnivore's Dilemma - it's a fascinating book!

  2. Oh yum! I will have to remember that.

