Monday, July 26, 2010

did you ever think life'd be this good?

justin and i were sitting outside eating dinner a few nights ago and he asked me, "did you ever think life'd be this good?"
i shook my head no and smiled. he can be soooo mushy! i love it!!

but his words rang in my ears this evening, even though he is hundreds of miles away at camp. i opened up his computer and got lost for a minute staring at this picture of our little girl (above). he has it life size on his computer screen background. i looked at her chocolate brown eyes, the wet ringlets, her gap-toothed smile, and her golden skin. (i also noticed the little boogey). i started crying. yes, it is probably the pregnancy hormones coursing through my veins but tears none the less. justin was exactly right, this life we have...even with its hardships and stresses, is so much more beautiful than anything i could have dreamed up. 

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us to him be the glory..." Eph 3:20


  1. cousin you are amazing. i love you.


  2. i'm sooooo glad you have discovered this simple truth... it'll keep you safe in the low times and reassure you that life is short and precious when the bustle and hustle over runs your days... you're very inspiring and have a wonderful heart! love unk from WV...
